Fira Barcelona appoints the Board of Directors of its new company, Fira Circuit

The Board of Directors of Fira Barcelona appointed today the members of the Board of Directors of Fira Circuit SL, the new company wholly owned by Fira, which will run and manage the activity of the Barcelona-Catalonia Racetrack, starting 1 January 2025, with the aim of leading a new stage in this important facility.

The Fira Circuit Board of Directors will be formed by nine directors with renowned prestige recognised within the business, industry and motor sports world.

The new Board will be chaired by Pau Relat, current chairman of the Board of Directors of Fira Barcelona; its other directors will be Constantí Serrallonga, General Manager of Fira; Oriol Sagrera, the current CEO of Circuits de Catalunya SL and former General Secretary of the Department of Business and Employment; Miquel Martí, President of the Moventia Group; Laura Carnicero, Vice-President of People and Organisation at Seat; Marc Gené, test driver of the Ferrari FI racing team; Carles Checa, former motorcycle racer and superbike champion; Maite Barrera, founder of Bluecap and member of the executive board of Globant; and Josep Mateu, president of the RACC auto club. The Secretary of the Board of Fira Circuit will be Ignacio Toda, current secretary of the Board of Directors of Fira Barcelona.

The Fira Board of Directors, on the indications of the General Manager of Fira, has proposed Oriol Sagrera to be the new CEO of Fira Circuit SL.

New stage
Last April, Fira Barcelona and Circuits de Catalunya signed an agreement under which the company Fira Circuit would operate and manage the activity at the Barcelona-Catalonia Racetrack starting 1 January 2025 for a 20-year period. The agreement does not affect the ownership of either the assets or the FI or MotoGP contracts, which shall remain the property of Circuits de Catalunya.
The purpose of putting a new management team at the helm of the Barcelona-Catalonia Racetrack is to promote the Strategic Plan of this key facility, whose aim is to improve its management efficiency, bolster its commitment to digitalisation, be a leader in the area of sustainability, deepen its roots across the region and diversify its activity.

In this sense, a plan will be developed in the coming years which will focus on optimising the operation of the facilities so it will no longer be a facility exclusively conceived around large motor sport competitions, and use new business models related to fairs and conventions, entertainment, large-scale music and cultural events, and the industry of sustainable mobility.

As with the incorporation of the CCIB within Fira in late 2021, this new company will benefit from the institution’s accredited solvency in the organisation and drawing of large, world-class events and, at the same time, reinforce its role as an economic and social engine in the region, as well as its positioning as one of the top platforms for business, the promotion of trade, raising companies’ international profile, and the exchange of knowledge.

Barcelona, 16 September 2024

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