The Fira de Barcelona event grows by 8% and showcases 120 new products

The Barcelona Boat Show is held in a mood of optimism due to the good prospects

The event will exhibit the transforming capacity of technology for any industrial sector

IoT Solutions World Congress 2018 portrays an industrial future marked by IoT, AI and blockchain

The international Reshape Awards will acknowledge the best wearable and product initiatives

Reshape recognises the new 3D designers at IN(3D)USTRY

The trade fair registered a 10% increase in the number of visitors compared to the last edition held in Barcelona

Good evaluation at the end of a more optimistic Liber which will help invigorate the publishing industry

The trade fair will analyse the scenarios in the publishing world and most immediate challenges

Liber 2018 visualises innovation, production and internationalisation in the book industry

The event seeks to introduce the nautical world to more enthusiasts by encouraging sport-related sailing

The Barcelona Boat Show presents its most innovative and entrepreneurial year

BCNJoya includes a new feature at its fourth edition

Expohogar will present the latest developments in gifts, gems, costume jewellery and decorative items at its autumn fair

IoT Solutions World Congress will display 10 practical uses on industrial internet solutions

A system to save Beluga whales, the fire truck of the future and the latest IoT innovations at IoTSC 2018

An estimated 30,000 industry professionals from 90 countries will gather at the Gran Via venue

Gastech, the leading Natural Gas and LNG Conference and Exhibition

3D-manufactured drugs, organ reconstruction and maxillofacial surgery, main applications

The latest 3D-printing medical applications brought together at IN(3D)USTRY

Introducing the technology innovations transforming the future of the sector and the novelties of the brands

The centenary edition of Automobile Barcelona, a world benchmark for connected vehicle technologies

The second forum will merge the Healthio, In(3D)ustry and IoT Solutions World Congress fairs

Barcelona Industry Week tackles the keys to digital transformation of the industrial sectors

See also the Trade Show's website

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