The flagship fair for the graphic industry returns with technology and innovative printed applications

Graphispag 2019 promotes digitalisation, personalisation and design

Bringing together companies, experts and professionals to discuss smart cities and water cycle management

Fira de Barcelona addresses sustainable development with the Smart City Expo World Congress and Iwater

The exhibition will also host the C40 Talks, the Digital Future Society and the Sharing Cities Summit

Smart City Expo to focus its record-breaking edition on achieving more liveable cities

The exhibition will propose new approaches in the face of increasingly scarce of water resources

Iwater 2018 showcases innovation and technology for sustainable and intelligent water management

El certamen de Fira de Barcelona posa a la venda més de 3.500 vehicles als millors preus

El Saló Ocasió omple de cotxes seminous de grans marques el recinte de Montjuïc

The representatives of cities from the five continents will attend the Barcelona summit

Over 700 cities and 100 mayors Will take part in Smart City Expo World Congress 2018

It is based in Brussels and groups together 22 centres with a surface area of over 100,000 m2

Fira de Barcelona joins the Board of EMECA, the association of major European trade fair venues

The Fira de Barcelona event brings together all the agents who make up the healthcare ecosystem

HEALTHIO showcases the innovations constituting the healthcare of the future

IoTSWC, In(3D)ustry and Healthio bring together more than 25,000 professionals and 550 companies

The second edition of Barcelona Industry Week confirms digital transformation is a reality

The IoT Solutions Awards acknowledge the year's best innovations for the industrial internet

IoTSWC 2018 awards Huawei, IoTerop-Synox, Nokia and Intel-ARM-Pelion for their innovative solutions

Definitive approval of the licence by the City Council's Economy and Finance Committee

Fira’s management will promote the CCIB’s activity and Barcelona’s standing in the trade fair sector

The Fira de Barcelona event will showcase the latest technological solutions and innovations

HEALTHIO invites patients, professionals and innovators to create a new healthcare ecosystem

See also the Trade Show's website

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