The show will reach a historical figure with 44 automotive brands.

Automobile Barcelona grows by 46% for its centenary edition

The tradeshow, organised by Fira de Barcelona and the Palco Business Group, brings together 50 companies from 10 countries

PACGRAF Cuba opens up opportunities in packaging and printing in Havana

Primavera Sound will provide a leisure space at the fair and the Fira event will take part in Primavera Pro

RBEWC and Primavera Sound join forces to fuse music and the world of retail

Satisfaction among exhibitors and visitors at an edition also marked by personalisation and design

Graphispag 2019 prints a greater digitalisation for the graphics industry

The new event on smart cities will be hosted by the Mayor of Atlanta's Office

Atlanta to host the first ever Smart City Expo in the United States

The event records a 16% increase in visitors with respect to last year

IoTSWC 2018 endorses the Internet of Things as a key technology in the digital transformation

The event will bring together 85 speakers and more than 6,000 attendees

Smart City Expo Curitiba holds its second edition under the theme Planning the cities we want

With Hostelco, Alimentaria will offer the most complete and cross-sectional platform for the food and hotel and restaurant services industries

More international business, gastronomic experiences and trends at Alimentaria 2020

The flagship Trade fair for the Spanish graphic industry returns with technology and innovative printed applications

Graphispag 2019 defines printing with more digitalisation, personalization and design

Habrá 75 empresas, 24 de las cuales optarán a los premios a las mejores startups del certamen

The most innovative international startups in the retail sector will attend the RBEWC

Fira wins bronze in the category Best Overseas Conference Centre

Fira de Barcelona, among the winners at the M&IT Awards in the UK

The trade fair incorporates Grada&CongresGràfic to expand synergies between graphic design and printing

Félix Beltrán, Fernando G. Baptista, Martina Paukova and Julius Wiedermann, main speakers at Graphispag

See also the Trade Show's website

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