The 2020 summit by Smart City Expo World Congress will be held in a new two-day digital format

Smart City Live drafts a new future for cities after the pandemic

The world’s leading event for the Internet of Things applied to industry will take place on October 5 - 7

Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Digital Twins, key topics of the first ever hybrid IOTSWC

El 40% de les empreses enquestades declara haver començat la transició cap a processos sostenibles

Brides-to-be will become digital and increasingly interested in ethical and sustainable consumption

The main European association of exhibition venues faces the recovery of activity in the Covid context

Ricard Zapatero, director of International Business at Fira de Barcelona, new president of EMECA

The Forum will bring together experts and analyze the main challenges of the sector in a digital format

Knowledge, business and networking are the focus of the 3rd Piscina & Wellness Forum

The platform will remain open until December 31, 2020 to facilitate new interactions

LiberDigital reinvents business meetings to boost book sales

The summit for cities and urban innovation will gather representatives from cities and corporations

Public and private sectors choose Smart City Live

The Iberian benchmark trade fair for the graphic and visual communication industries awaits a more favorable situation to be held

Graphispag moves to May 2022

It was the first major European event after World War I

100 years have gone by since the first Barcelona Trade Fair

The trade fair institution strengthens its commitment to sustainability and the fight against climate change

Fira de Barcelona and Endesa install 18 electric vehicle charging points

The leading public transport congress in the world

Fira de Barcelona to host the Global Public Transport Summit in 2023

The show records three million views on Weibo, the Chinese social network

The digital Valmont Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week revitalises the bridal fashion industry

See also the Trade Show's website

If you are a communication professional, you can access the press section of the Trade Show's website to download all the press releases, announcements and press dossier. You can also find the news presented by the exhibitors.

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